Eagle Fern Veterinary Hospital

585 NW Zobrist Street
Estacada, OR 97023



 Eagle Fern Veterinary Hospital Logo  Puppy Care                                     

6-8 weeks (or older)
1) Complete physical exam
2) Consultation on nutrition, behavior, dental care, grooming and health insurance
3) Vaccination for DHP/Parvo #1
   (distemper, hepatitis, parainfluenza, parvo; recommended for all dogs, #2 in 3-4 weeks)
4) Vaccination for Bordetella #1
   (if anticipating boarding, grooming, obedience school, #2 in 2-4 weeks)
5) Intestinal parasite exam #1/deworming medication
   (for round worm, hookworm and tapeworm; continue deworming monthly)
6) Start monthly heartworm/roundworm/hookworm preventive medication, continue all year round
7) Flea control (continue monthly)
8) Microchip identification (to help your dog find its way home if lost)
9-12 weeks old
1) Brief physical exam
2) Vaccination for DHP/Parvo #2
   (vaccinate every 3-4 weeks until 12-14 weeks old)
3) Vaccination for Bordetella #2
4) Vaccination for Lyme Disease #1
   (if anticipating high tick exposure or visiting Northeast or Upper Midwest, #2 in 2-4 weeks)
5) Intestinal parasite exam #2
12-16 weeks old
1) Brief physical exam
2) +/- vaccination for DHP/Parvo #3
3) Vaccination for Lyme Disease #2
4) Vaccination for Leptospirosis #1 (if outdoors, hunts, has access to waterways or area inhabited by raccoons, opossum, skunk, cattle, or pigs; #2 in 2-4 weeks)
5) Vaccination for Rabies (recommended for all dogs)
14-20 weeks old
1) Vaccination for Leptospirosis #2
7 months old
1) Complete physical exam
2) Spay or neuter with pre-anesthetic bloodwork
3) Heartworm test and preventive medication refill
4) Clackamas County License (available at EFVH)
Annual Visit
1) Complete physical exam
2) Vaccination for DHP/Parvo - then revaccinate once every 3 years
3) Vaccination for Bordetella, Lyme, or Leptospirosis if dog is at risk - then revaccinate every year
4) Vaccination for Rabies - then revaccinate once every 3 years
5) Heartworm test and preventive medication refill - medicate monthly and retest once a year
6) Intestinal parasite exam. Refill monthly deworming medication for roundworm, hookworm and tapeworm
7) Health screen blood test to establish a baseline and check for any early organ dysfunction - repeat once yearly when less than 7 years of age, every 6 months when 7 years or older.
8) Flea control - medicate monthly
9) Professional teeth cleaning once a year after dog is 2 years of age
10) Clackamas County License